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Operation Blood Hunt (2024) Review

Operation Blood Hunt is the film we wanted after Dog Soldiers showed us all that werewolves and soldiers could be a great combination. Unfortunately, there wasn’t much in the way of followup at the time, the promised sequel never happened and anyone who saw Werewolves of the Third Reich would probably rather forget it. So we’ve had to wait until now for Brandon Slagle (The Black Mass, House of Manson) to take the standard war movie plot of an odd assortment of fighters sent on a mission behind enemy lines and some werewolves to serve as the villains. And when it works, Operation Blood Hunt is a lot of fun, unfortunately, it doesn’t always work.

It’s 1945 and in a bar somewhere in London, Murphy (Jonathan Rhys Meyers, The 12th Man, American Night), the bar’s owner, and The Reverend (Quinton ‘Rampage’ Jackson, Never Back Down: No Surrender, Snow White and the Seven Samurai) have to deal with an annoying Nazi vampire played by Louis Mandylor (Skeletons in the Closet, Day Labor) who was also Operation Blood Hunt’s director.


Operation Blood Hunt 6

As if that wasn’t enough, a pair of US intelligence officers show up looking for The Reverend, and since he describes himself as a man of the cloth and of the whisky, they figured they would find him here. He’s also an expert on the supernatural, which is why they want him to join a mission to look for a marine unit that has gone missing, and it may be the work of something other than the Japanese Army.

He’s not interested, until they offer to let him see classified files concerning his missing father. That changes everything and soon he, along with Rico (Tofan Pirani, The Ghost, Art of Eight Limbs), Torque (Melody Prapassorn), Eklund (Chante Evans, Bigly, Foolproof), Billy the Kid (Myles Clohessy, Classified, Disciples in the Moonlight), Blackjack (Gary Cairns, The Channel, Malignant), Foley (Peter Dobson, Hotel of the Damned, 3 Days in Malay) and Sikes (Elliot Allison) are jumping out of a plane over Kota Island.



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